What a typical kinesiology session looks like

When you first visit a kinesiologist, the first 30 minutes of the session will be dedicated to understanding you and your health history. Depending on the discussions that take place, you will normally either create a goal of how you would like to be feeling (compared to how you are now), or the kinesiologist will work on a particular context to focus on.

Once this is decided, you will be asked to lie down on your back on the massage table. If you would prefer not to lie down, sitting in a chair will work too. In 99.5% of "balances" (a kinesiology session is often called a balance because we are balancing your energy back to its natural state), you will be fully clothed throughout the session.

The muscle testing is usually done with an arm muscle. With Yugen Kinesiology, it will be the brachioradialis muscle (forearm). Slight downward pressure will be applied to the muscle throughout the session, and the kinesiologist will sometimes use their other hand to lightly "circuit locate" different points on the body. Circuit locating enables the kinesiologist to pinpoint where the stress or block is located in the body. Other times, they may be asking "yes/no" questions, or specific questions relating to the emotion or block that is being cleared. Finger modes may also be used which are similar to mudras or likened to a type of morse code. They are specific finger and hand configurations that the kinesiologist holds whilst muscle testing the body to find which finger mode the body indicates it needs. For every finger mode, there is a specific technique or correction that applies to it. There are over 300 finger modes within the kinesiology database.

There are many helpful tools that can help shift energy quickly and easily. Sometimes the kinesiologist will work with specific acupressure points, other times it will be a specific muscle or energy resetting technique, as well as the use of tools such as essential oils, flower essences, tuning forks (sound) or colour therapy tools. To learn more about the tools kinesiologists may use during your session, please click here. These tools and techniques help to clear the stress within particular areas within the body. It is quite astonishing how accurate these tools are and how they relate to the situation the kinesiologist and client are working on. Many clients leave the session feeling more calm, centred, and with a sense that they are supported and nurtured in life by a source which cannot be seen, yet felt. Whatever that may mean to a client, this reminder in itself can be very healing. It's comforting for many to feel so "understood", and that life is in fact supporting and guiding us through our experiences, even in times of pain and suffering.